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      Ralph Peters

      Head of Rural, Scotland

      Head of Estate Management and Professional

      A firm but fair approach has earned Ralph the enviable reputation as the ‘go to’ expert on rural property issues.

      Ralph Peters

      A firm but fair approach has earned Ralph the enviable reputation as the ‘go to’ expert on rural property issues.

      Ralph Peters

      The shifting sands of Scotland's rural environment in both regulatory and geographical terms means Ralph's knowledge of legislation and applicability of grants is invaluable to his clients. From farm tenant negotiations to advising owners of heritage sites, he relishes each challenge.

      Having grown up on a farm and with 20 years' experience in rural property management, Ralph is acutely aware of what makes our rural environment tick and takes great pride is seeing projects come to fruition and making a real difference.

      Skilled at finding practical, workable solutions to complex employee, tenant and property issues, his efficiency and speed of response is second only to his ability to take on professional challenges and create a positive outcome.

      Based in Perth but working throughout Scotland, Ralph heads up the Estate Management and Professional team. He is immersed in the intricacies of the rural sector, picking up any legislative baton and running to ensure he and his clients are ahead of the game.

      Ralph is MRICS accredited.

      It’s impossible to run an estate this size alone and I value Ralph’s insight and energy.
      Thomas Steuart Fothringham, Murthly Castle
      Ralph is always on the end of the phone with sage advice, no matter what the problem or issue. He remains calm and I certainly wouldn't have managed without his support and guidance.
      Laura Irwin, Tulchan Sporting Estates Ltd