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      What we do/ Asset Types/ Retirement Living & Healthcare

      Care and Retirement Living

      Condylofthouse Architects
      Credit: Condylofthouse Architects

      Our Planning and Socioeconomics teams have a wealth of experience in the healthcare and specialist housing sector.

      Our Planning team has a proven track record of securing planning permission for care and retirement living related developments. This experience allows us to identify key issues early, which inform a rigorous and comprehensive planning strategy bespoke to your development objectives.

      Our broad, national view, coupled with our up-to-date local knowledge, will help you to navigate this sector’s increasingly complex planning process, as local authorities grapple with the policy expectations applicable to the different types of retirement care available.


      By 2030, the UK’s elderly population is projected to reach 15.1 million with 22% aged 65, and over 3% aged 85+.

      As the population ages, the demand for care increases and this places greater emphasis on the need for local authorities to support care home and retirement developments to speed up the rate of delivery to meet demand.

      Related projects...

      Our Socioeconomics and Wellbeing team has particularly diverse experience in both the retirement living and healthcare sectors.

      We have developed a successful new method for understanding the need for older persons’ specialist accommodation from age-exclusive housing through to nursing and dementia care homes.

      We also work with hospital trusts to create population projections, allowing us to understand what the housing growth in their catchment means for the services they provide e.g., the balance between maternity and older persons services.

      At the other end of the spectrum, we work with housing developers to understand the demands on local healthcare, including the need for onsite medical centres through to understanding the need for offsite financial contributions (s106 and CIL).

      We also undertake Health Impact Assessments (HIA) to optimise the health and wellbeing benefits of all forms of development.

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      How we can help

      Expand my site’s care offer

      Develop a care home on my site

      Develop a retirement village