Cambridge Industrial Databook - Spring 2023
Our latest databook provides an update on the Cambridge Industrial Market
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Cambridge Industrial Databook - Spring 2023
Our latest databook provides an update on the Cambridge Industrial Market
04.04.23Oxford Industrial Databook - Spring 2023
Our latest Databook provides an update on the Oxford Industrial Market
04.04.23M1 South Industrial Databook - Spring 2023
Our latest Databook provides an update on the M1 South Industrial Market
04.04.23Norwich & Suffolk Industrial Databook - Spring 2023
Our latest Databook provides an update on the Norwich & Suffolk Industrial Market
04.04.23Eastern Distribution Corridor Big Box Databook 2022
The demand for Big Box units has continued to gather momentum, up by 33% on the previous 12 months.
23.01.23Industrial Databook Oxfordshire - Summer 2022
Activity in the Oxford industrial market remains above trend driven by logistics as well as science and tech. However, there was a lack of larger transactions in H1 due to stock shortages.
24.08.22Industrial Databook M1 South - Summer 2022
Take up in the M1 south industrial market has totalled over 2m sq ft for two consecutive six month periods, driven by sustained levels of high demand. Rents are expected to increase as supply falls.
24.08.22Industrial Databook Cambridgeshire - Summer 2022
The Cambridge industrial market saw record levels of take up during H1. A lack of available floorspace remains a constraint across the market driving robust rental growth expectations.
24.08.22Industrial Databook Cambridgeshire - Summer 2022
The Cambridge industrial market saw record levels of take up during H1. A lack of available floorspace remains a constraint across the market driving robust rental growth expectations.
24.08.22Industrial Databook Norfolk & Suffolk - Summer 2022
The Norfolk and Suffolk industrial market remains buoyant with particularly high demand for small and medium sized units. Dwindling supply has driven prime rents to a record high.
24.08.22Arc Market Databook - Spring 2022 Oxfordshire
Science and tech dominate near record high industrial take up in 2021
06.04.22Arc Market Industrial Databook - Spring 2022 Cambridge
Record high requirements battle record low supply
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