Insights & Reports

Thought leading insights, research and events that define our markets

Image of MK office locations Insights 08.05.22

Head of Milton Keynes, Holly Dawson, provides the insight behind the numbers following the release of Bidwells’ latest MK databook.

All you need to know about the Milton Keynes office market in Spring 2022

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Eddington_200421 7 Insights 25.04.22

Across the Oxford-Cambridge Arc, East and South-Eastern region, Bidwells continues to see strong demand and increased competition for residential development sites. The unceasing demand for development land has driven strong growth in land values and high activity levels, with annual growth in greenfield land values at 8.8% for 2021.

Residential Development Market Update

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Image of WrothamPark101 Insights 31.03.22

Landowners may live with the consequences of their development decisions for years to come.

Legacy Development Q&A

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Image of Scotland Newsletter bird Report 22.03.22

Welcome to Bidwells' spring 2022 Scotland Newsletter.

Our View on Scotland - Spring 2022

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Image of shutterstock_1586483455 Insights 21.03.22

On 16 March 2022, Natural England increased the list of habitat sites that are considered to be in an unfavourable condition due to excessive nutrient levels. The extended list includes both the River Wensum and large parts of the Broads, and the ‘National Map of Catchments’, provided by Natural England, suggests that a significant area of Norfolk will be affected by the change.

Norfolk’s Nutrient Problem

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Image of shutterstock_187076138 Insights 02.03.22

If 2021 was a crucial year for our global response to climate breakdown, then maybe 2022 can be the biodiversity equivalent?

Biodiversity’s Big Year?

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Image of Child's play mat Insights 22.02.22

I recently purchased my son a play mat for his newly acquired toy cars. As a planner, it immediately struck me that the mat showed a car-dominated environment with little room for pedestrians, cyclists and other non-motorised users. It was perfect for his fleet of cars, but it got me thinking…

Should we redefine the objectives of sustainable development following COP26 and COVID-19?

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Carbon - Rural Outlook 24pp brochure 2021 Reports & Briefings 09.02.22

In 2019, the UK and Scottish Governments made their commitments to net zero, with target dates of 2050 and 2045 respectively. Relatively, both countries are progressing well, with emissions falling faster than in other major developed economies. However, with 326m tonnes of ‘carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e)’ emitted in 2020, there is still a long road ahead.

The reality of the UK’s net zero ambition: the role of carbon capture

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Image of Bidwells Graduates 2018 (22 of 44) Insights 07.02.22

Three of our current apprentices answer some of the most commonly asked questions about their roles.

Apprenticeship FAQs

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Image of shutterstock_2051580290 Insights 01.02.22

The political football that is the Green Belt is letting emotion rule logic when it comes to future growth in Hertfordshire.

Herts over Mind – Delays and Abandonment

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Image of rob love blog housing Insights 01.02.22

Robert Love delves into Northamptonshire's plan-making by questioning new strategic plans and their challenges, as well as sustainable development opportunities.

Exploring the future of plan-making across Northamptonshire

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Image of Fordham_Wet_Woods_And_Great_Wilbraham_210421 48 Insights 31.01.22

Many farmers and landowners will see an increase of up to 30% in payment rates under environmental conservation schemes, as the government seeks to increase participation in its schemes. These levels of payments emerged during Secretary of State, George Eustice’s speech at the Oxford Farming Conference in early January.

George Eustice pledges more money for environmental schemes - but will it be enough?

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BTR Open & Operating Report | London

London boasts 43% of operational UK BTR, but regional pipeline dominates.

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Net Zero Carbon and Electricity Demand – Binding Targets, Barriers and Bonuses

By 2035 the UK has a target to decarbonise the whole electricity system for Great Britain (GB), whilst also increasing demand for electricity by 50% over the same period.

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The Right Home, in the Right Place, at the Right Time

Operational living is transforming housing options in the UK, offering flexibility and accessibility to suit diverse lifestyles at different stages of their lives and careers.

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Productivity Engine: Foreword from Diane Coyle, Bennett Professor of Public Policy

A society’s productivity, the key to its prosperity and living standards, reflects the outcome of decisions taken over many years or even decades. Britain’s flatlining productivity today reflects the disappearance of this long-term perspective.

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Planning Reform and Productivity

Two quotes, half a century and a continent apart, explain why housebuilding has declined to 145,000 per year, less than half of the Government’s objective of 300,000 p.a.

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Productivity Engine: Preface from Bidwells’ Senior Partner Nick Pettit

Productivity is measured by dividing the output of goods and services by the number of hours which people have worked.

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Image of Productivity Brain Landscape

The Productivity Engine

In Bidwells’ latest groundbreaking report, The Productivity Engine, we uncover the fundamental role that space plays in understanding - and solving - the UK’s productivity problems.

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We must land on a strategy for our most precious resource

Making more efficient use of Britain’s most finite resource—land—is our best chance to enhance the country’s sluggish productivity. It’s as simple as that.

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Real estate can drive productivity by supporting regional centres of excellence

The United Kingdom, once celebrated for its industrial prowess and ingenuity, now confronts a dire economic reality marked by a persistent productivity crisis.

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Cambridge Residential Rental Market Report, Spring 2024

Oxford Economics forecast a rapid decline in the bank rate this year and next, ending 2024 at 4% and 2025 at 3%.

Spring 2024
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The Oxford Advantage

Mills & Reeve and Bidwells have partnered together to deliver a unique insight into the Oxford, Cambridge, London arc – often called the ‘Golden Triangle’ – that will explore the way businesses in the technology, life sciences and real estate sectors work together.

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Overlays Databooks - Cambridge

Industrial Market Databooks

Our latest Industrial research reports provide an update on the market across Cambridge, Oxford, M1 South, Norfolk & Suffolk.

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Image of Royal Highland show image
Jun 2024

Royal Highland Show 2024

Royal Highland Show 2024 rural breakfast briefing energises audience with land reform and sustainability debate.

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Image of Bisnow - slide cover
Jun 2024

Headline Sponsors at Bisnow's Build to Rent Annual Conference (BTRAC) 2024

Iain Murray, our Head of Operational Living, gave the opening keynote presentation and joined a panel at the Bisnow BTRAC conference in Canary Wharf, London.

12 June 2024
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Image of UKREIIF Webpage background
May 2024

Bidwells at UKREiiF 2024

At the Bidwells pavilion this year, we launched our Productivity Engine report and discussed key topics from it. We examined the crucial role of productivity in UK economic growth and living standards.

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Feb 2024

Founder to Founder, Exclusive insights from Oxfordshire’s Leading CEOs

If you were in a room with Oxfordshire’s top CEOs – what would you ask them?

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ARC Databook Background
Jan 2024

Offices and Labs Databooks webinar Jan 2024

We heard our experts discuss Bidwells’ latest research on the Offices & Labs market across Cambridge, Oxford, M1 South, and Norfolk & Suffolk.

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Country road through wind farm
Dec 2023

Switch on to onshore wind

In this podcast, planning and renewables experts discuss the current situation with Onshore Wind and its relevance to landowners, as well as views from the RSPB for those who wish to know more about the interaction between wildlife and renewable energy developments.

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ITS Oxford Logo-Strapline-White Background
Nov 2023

The challenge of scaling leadership as an organisation grows

When companies are small, it’s easy. Leaders are connected to each element of the business; keeping everyone aligned and motivated. But as companies grow, great leadership becomes harder and harder to deliver.

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onshore wind farm 2
Oct 2023

Are onshore renewables right for me?

This highly practical webinar held in partnership with Farmers’ Weekly magazine examines the central question being asked by farmers and landowners across England.

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Oct 2023

IF Oxford Science & Ideas Festival

We have partnered up with IF Oxford this year to help build science, social and cultural capital in the community we live and work in to help ‘open doors’ to careers in science and technology and support socioeconomic mobility.

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Sep 2023

The Future of the Oxford to Cambridge Region Conference

Listen to real estate leaders from across the Oxford-Cambridge Arc discuss key issues facing the region at The Future of the Oxford to Cambridge Region Conference 2023.

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Sep 2023

Offices & Labs Databook Presentation

Bidwells bitesize online presentation provided an update on the Offices and Labs Market across Oxford & Cambridge.

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Bidwells bitesize
Jul 2023

Bidwells Bitesize: Revitalise, Reimagine, Repurpose Breakfast Seminar

On 18th July 2023, we held our breakfast seminar on ‘Meeting Lab Demand with Innovative Spaces' in partnership with COEL

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