
Offices and Labs Databook Oxfordshire - summer 2022

22.7.22 5 MINUTE READ

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Since 2019, Oxford has seen an acceleration in the critical mass of life sciences and technology companies. Demand for labs has risen sharply over the last 18 months to a record of 860,000 sq ft, including a number of significant floorplate requirements.

Laboratory requirements reached record level

The Oxford market has seen an acceleration in the critical mass of life science and technology companies since the pandemic, accounting for 73% of all take up over the past 18 months.

Lab requirements have reached a record of nearly 0.9m sq ft, but supply remains limited with less than 20,000 sq ft available. Rents have risen rapidly over the last couple of years, and further uplifts are forecast.

Office based businesses continue to focus attention on high quality, centrally located space, which is providing a source for lab repurposing across a number of parks.

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