
Buckinghamshire Local Plan Watch - Spring 2020

16.4.20 2 MINUTE READ

Local Plan Watch Spring 2020 Bucks

Our Planning team constantly monitor the activities of local planning authorities in Buckinghamshire to identify opportunities for clients. March's update provides an insight to latest local plans coming forward across the region.

Local Plan Watch Spring 2020 Bucks

Things you need to know:

  1. MK Growth Strategy 2050 is out for consultation that identifies cross border opportunities for growth;
  2. Milton Keynes continues to face a spate of appeal challenges on the robustness of its housing land supply;
  3. Unitary merger with South Bucks, Wycombe and Aylesbury Vale planned went ahead on 1st April 2020, but local elections have since been postponed until May 2021;
  4. The Chiltern and South Bucks Local Plan Inspectors have raised a serious concern that the Councils have not met their Duty to Cooperate with neighbouring authorities calling the entire Local Plan into question.
  5. The newly adopted Wycombe District Local Plan faces two Judicial Review challenges.

Milton Keynes

Plan:MK was adopted by Full Council on 20th March 2019. Already the Local Plan and its ability to deliver the Council’s housing need is coming under scrutiny with a string of land supply challenges.

Policy DS0 of Plan:MK requires an early review of the Local Plan. Preparation of evidence base studies and commission for the Local Plan Review was intended to begin April 2020, with a Public Consultation on the revised Draft Plan timetabled for July 2021 and submission of a draft plan for examination intended no later than December 2022. However, there will likely be delays to this consultation process in view of the impact of Covid 19.

MK Futures 2050 Strategic Growth Options Consultation commenced 20th January 2020 and the deadline for responses has been extended to run until Friday 22nd May 2020. Although this Strategy is not a planning document it is intended to shape the direction of future growth for Milton Keynes. Due to the constraints around the main town this plan has been prepared on a boundary blind basis highlighting potential growth across neighbouring authorities.


The Wycombe District Local Plan was adopted 19th August 2019.

Since its adoption, the Wycombe District Local Plan has faced two legal challenges. The first challenge was unsuccessful (Eric Scott v. Wycombe District Council and Dandara Limited (November 2019)]. The second challenge by Campaign Group ‘Keep Bourne End Green’ was also unsuccessful, however this challenge was then heard at a permission hearing on 18th March as requested by the challenging body. At this hearing the judge agreed that a full hearing should be held on all but one of the grounds raised. There are no timescales for a hearing at present.

A Unitary merger between Aylesbury Vale, South Bucks, Wycombe and Chiltern District took place on 1st April 2020. However the exact form that this merger has taken is no longer clear due to the announced postponement of Local Elections for a year (May 2021) caused by Covid 19.

Aylesbury Vale

The emerging Aylesbury Vale Local Plan was submitted for examination in February 2018. Modifications were subject to a public consultation which closed on 17th December 2019. Notably in the Inspector’s response additional homes were requested, particularly on the edge of Milton Keynes.

On 11th March 2020, it was announced that the Council had considered the representations made on the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan main modifications and had come to the conclusion that it was necessary to request some further transport modelling to support the existing evidence base. The additional modelling will take approximately four weeks, expected mid-April. It is expected the Inspector will consider the representations and responses until June 2020.

A Unitary merger between Aylesbury Vale, South Bucks, Wycombe and Chiltern District took place on 1st April 2020. However the exact form that this merger has taken is no longer clear due to the announced postponement of Local Elections for a year (May 2021) caused by Covid 19.


Chiltern District has produced a joint Local Plan to 2036 with South Buckinghamshire which was submitted for examination on 26th September 2019. The Secretary of State appointed Planning Inspectors Matthew Birkinshaw BA (Hons) MSc MRTPI and David Troy BSc (Hons) MA MRTPI to conduct an Examination of the plan.

Stage 1 Hearing Sessions were expected to commence on 17th March 2020 to run until 26th March 2020, however as a result of Covid 19 these sessions were postponed until further notice.

A letter was sent by the Local Plan Inspectors on 7th May 2020. In this letter serious concerns were raised that the Councils did not engage constructively, actively and on an ongoing basis, particularly on the matter on Slough's unmet housing need. The Councils have now been given a chance to respond after which a final conclusion will be reached. Should the Councils be unable to sufficiently address these concerns, the only option will be to withdraw the plan.

A Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule was adopted by both Chiltern and South Bucks on 7th January 2020, and this became effective as of 17th February 2020.

A Unitary merger between Aylesbury Vale, South Bucks, Wycombe and Chiltern District took place on 1st April 2020. However the exact form that this merger has taken is no longer clear due to the announced postponement of Local Elections for a year (May 2021) caused by Covid 19

South Bucks

South Buckinghamshire has produced a joint Local Plan to 2036 with Chiltern District which was submitted for examination on 26th September 2019. The Secretary of State appointed Planning Inspectors Matthew Birkinshaw BA (Hons) MSc MRTPI and David Troy BSc (Hons) MA MRTPI to conduct an Examination of the plan.

Stage 1 Hearing Sessions were expected to commence on 17th March 2020 to run until 26th March 2020, however as a result of Covid 19 these sessions were postponed until further notice.

A letter was sent by the Local Plan Inspectors on 7th May 2020. In this letter serious concerns were raised that the Councils did not engage constructively, actively and on an ongoing basis, particularly on the matter on Slough's unmet housing need. The Councils have now been given a chance to respond after which a final conclusion will be reached. Should the Councils be unable to sufficiently address these concerns, the only option will be to withdraw the plan.

A Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule was adopted by both Chiltern and South Bucks on 7th January 2020, and this became effective as of 17th February 2020.

A Unitary merger between Aylesbury Vale, South Bucks, Wycombe and Chiltern District took place on 1st April 2020. However the exact form that this merger has taken is no longer clear due to the announced postponement of Local Elections for a year (May 2021) caused by Covid 19

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Mike Jones

Partner, Planning

Mike is a Chartered Town Planner with 19+ years’ experience and knowledge across an array of sectors.

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