
Buckinghamshire Local Plan Watch - Spring 2021

28.3.21 3 MINUTE READ


Buckinghamshire continues to be a mixed bag with a delay in the review of Plan:MK due to Covid-19 and the White Paper announced. However, some progress has been made on the adoption of the VALP and background evidence on the unitary Buckinghamshire New Local Plan.

Local Plan Watch Spring 2021 - Buckinghamshire

Key highlights

  • The review of Plan:MK has been delayed, contrary to Policy DS0, which requires an early review. Local Plan adoption is now timetabled for 2025 rather than 2023 as originally anticipated.
  • Background work on a new strategic plan covering the whole of the new Buckinghamshire Unitary Authority area is underway. The strategic plan, anticipated to be adopted in 2025, recently undertook consultation on Brownfield Call for Sites, which closed on 6 April 2021.
  • Further hearing sessions have been scheduled for the Aylesbury Vale Local Plan in April 2021 and adoption of the Local Plan is timetabled for June 2021.

Milton Keynes

Plan:MK was adopted by Full Council on 20 March 2019.

Policy DS0 of Plan:MK requires an early review of the Local Plan. A review of the Local Plan was intended to begin in April 2020, with a Public Consultation on the Draft Plan timetabled for July 2021 and submission of a plan for examination intended in December 2022. However, MKC has claimed that there will be delays to this consultation process due to the impact of Covid-19 and the publication of the Planning White Paper.

At the Milton Keynes Planning Advisory meeting held on 28 January 2021, a revised timetable for the preparation of a new local plan for Milton Keynes was published, pushing the timetable back some 18 months. Contrary to Policy DS0 of Plan:MK, Local Plan adoption is timetabled for 2025 rather than 2023. A revised LDS has been published (March 2021) confirming the revised timetable.

The final Milton Keynes Strategy for 2050 was published in November 2020, with approval at the Milton Keynes Council meeting in January 2021. Although this strategy is not a planning document, it now forms part of the council’s plan and is intended to shape the direction of future growth for Milton Keynes. Although not site specific, the strategy does give an indication of where cross-boundary growth may take place.

Buckinghamshire Council

Buckinghamshire Council is the single unitary council that replaced Buckinghamshire County Council, Aylesbury Vale, Chiltern, South Bucks and Wycombe District Councils in April 2020.

Buckinghamshire Council is beginning work on its new local plan to cover the period up to 2040. The draft Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) is being consulted on up until 6 April 2021. A Bucks Brownfield Call for Sites consultation was also issued in January which also closes 6 April 2021.

It has been expressed by the leader of Buckinghamshire Council that a new statutory development plan for the new area will be in place by 2025.


The Wycombe District Local Plan was adopted on 19 August 2019. Following its adoption, the Wycombe District Local Plan faced two legal challenges, both of which were unsuccessful.

Aylesbury Vale

The emerging Aylesbury Vale Local Plan was submitted for examination in February 2018.

The further main modifications were consulted on between 15 December 2020 and 9 February 2021. The modifications relate to expected timelines for housebuilding, housing for older people and transport schemes. The further main modifications were supported by a Sustainability Appraisal Addendum.

Further hearing sessions have been scheduled to take place between Tuesday 13and Friday 16 April 2021, the basis of which has come from the responses to the main modification consultation. Subject to the outcome of the hearing session and the feedback of the inspector, Adoption of the Local Plan is estimated for summer 2021.


Chiltern District produced a joint Local Plan to 2036 with South Buckinghamshire which was submitted for examination on 26 September 2019.

At a Full Council meeting on 21 October 2020 Buckinghamshire Council resolved to withdraw the Chiltern and South Bucks Local Plan following significant criticism from the examining inspector. Given the new unitary authority, strategic planning issues for the area will be picked up in the new Buckinghamshire Plan.

On 26 November 2020, Buckinghamshire Council adopted the Burnham Beeches Special Area of Conservation Strategic Access Management and Monitoring Strategy Supplementary Planning Document.
The Housing Delivery Test results (2020) revealed Chiltern District Council will be required to prepare an Action Plan for the district.

South Buckinghamshire

South Buckinghamshire produced a joint Local Plan to 2036 with Chiltern District which was submitted for examination on 26 September 2019.

At a full council meeting on 21 October, Buckinghamshire Council resolved to withdraw the Chiltern and South Bucks Local Plan following significant criticism from the examining inspector. As with Chiltern, given the new unitary authority, strategic planning issues for the area will be picked up in the new Buckinghamshire Plan.

On 26 November 2020, Buckinghamshire Council adopted the Burnham Beeches Special Area of Conservation Strategic Access Management and Monitoring Strategy Supplementary Planning Document.

The Housing Delivery Test results (2020) triggered the presumption in favour of sustainable development for South Buckinghamshire.


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