
Cambridgeshire Local Plan Watch - Spring 2022

25.4.22 2 MINUTE READ

Image of Cambs - LPW Location squares

Greater Cambridge remains a high focus for growth not least from the Research and Development sector, which is seeing record interest and investment at a time when supply is limited.  Where there is economic growth, there is a need for housing growth.

Greater Cambridge Joint Local Plan continues through its plan-making process.  The next formal consultation round (Reg 18) is earmarked for Summer 2022, but there are signs this may slip into 2023.   Adoption of the Plan will be no earlier than 2025.  The leading discussions relate to what economic growth scenario the Plan should respond to. The market is showing all the signs that the high growth scenario is already here and needs to be planned for.  The other debate is climate change and what different planning approach needs to be placed into the Plan to achieve different developments and decisions to those we have seen to push towards a net-zero carbon place. 

The Combined Authority and Greater Cambridge Partnership continue to press ahead with their programme of sustainable transport infrastructure.  Some projects are now delivered, but there are many in consultation and committed for delivery. Where public money is spent to improve connectivity is a good place to look for development opportunities to support such public investment. 

Five Year Land Supply

The Housing Delivery Test latest figures do not give any immediate opportunities as they are reported at Cambridge 133%, East Cambridgeshire 95%, Fenland 95%, Huntingdonshire 152%, Peterborough 145% and South Cambridgeshire 145%.


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For detail on emerging Local Plan position in Cambridgeshire please click on the map below.


Our Planning team


Guy Kaddish

Partner, Planning

Guy is head of one of the largest planning teams in Cambridge, and planning representative in our science and technology leaders group.

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Alison Wright

Partner, Planning

Alison leads multi-disciplinary teams in the preparation and submission of major, mixed-use development proposals, providing sound strategic planning advice from the start.

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Harriet Wooler

Principal Planner

Harriet enjoys planning for spaces and new settlements to meet the needs of a variety of people and in which communities and nature can thrive.

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