
Rural Outlook 2024 - Local Plan Watch

06.3.24 2 minute read

Image of Housing by pond

It’s essential for anyone that has land with potential for development to keep apprised of the opportunities arising from emerging local development plans.

Doing so can be a daunting task, with plans in an everchanging state of flux, but fear not – Bidwells’ Local Plan Watch can help.


We publish Local Plan Watch twice a year to highlight the latest news and key opportunities arising from the emerging local plans coming forward across our region. It is supported by an interactive map that confirms the latest position for every district and commentaries that provide an appraisal of the main opportunities in each county, including the areas where immediate opportunities might arise due to a deficit in five-year housing land supply.

Our latest Local Plan Watch highlights forthcoming Local Plan consultations or local authority ‘call for sites’ in West Oxfordshire, South Oxfordshire, West Suffolk, West Northants, Watford, Hertsmere, Huntingdonshire, Greater Cambridge, Babergh and Mid-Suffolk, Uttlesford, Braintree, Colchester, Tendring, Maldon, and Chelmsford. If landowners have assets in these locations, it is important to engage with the Local Plan process to ensure that the prospects of achieving an allocation are enhanced.

Even where Local Plans are not being reviewed, there may be opportunities to promote sites for immediate delivery where planning authorities are not delivering enough housing land. Local Plan Watch identifies a range of opportunities in this regard. Updates to national planning policy, key appeal decisions, and new housing delivery information are constantly changing where the key opportunities lie. It is best to get in touch to discuss the very latest position.

Bidwells has a series of specialist local planning teams that prepare Local Plan Watch and regularly engage with the planning opportunities it describes on behalf of clients. We are happy to provide advice on site prospects and strategy before taking forward the work required to promote sites. If landowners would rather let a developer or promoter take the risk on the planning promotion costs, our development team will be able to find a suitable development partner more than willing to do so in return for first refusal on an allocated or consented site.

If you would like to find out more, check out our interactive map for the low-down on each authority and read through our county-by-county updates for a summary of the latest news in your area. Please get in contact with any member of our specialist local teams if you would like more information.

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Sam Metson

Partner, Planning

Sam delivers practical solutions to his clients, balancing competing demands between the need for development and its impact upon the environment.

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Our Latest Local Plan Watch Release

Local Plan Watch

Our Local Plan Watch provides an update on the progress of the Local Plans coming forward across our region to allocate new land for development and highlights the key opportunities for landowners, promoters and developers. To access this intelligence, click on the colour coded map for the latest position in each authority and scroll through our county-by-county commentary picking out key opportunities.

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