
Norfolk Local Plan Watch - Autumn 2023

01.11.23 2 MINUTE READ

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A varied picture across Norfolk as preparation of the Greater Norwich Local Plan finally heads towards completion, whilst North Norfolk are set to begin Examination Hearing Sessions.  Meanwhile Breckland have set themselves an ambitious target of submitting their full Local Plan Review for examination by the end of 2024, and Great Yarmouth’s programme for their Review has slipped by approximately 6 months, meaning a small window of opportunity remains to promote sites in both these areas.   

Hearing Sessions for the Greater Norwich Local Plan (GNLP) finally concluded this summer, some two years after the Plan was submitted for examination. Subject to the outcome of a Modifications Consultation which runs from 25th October to Wednesday 6th December 23, it looks to be on track to be adopted in Spring 2024

Elsewhere, North Norfolk are moving forward with their new Local Plan, with examination Hearings expected to be announced for early 2024 – a slight delay to the timetable set out in their LDS, but progress nonetheless.

The pressure is on Breckland, following the Adoption of their Partial Review, to submit their Full Review for examination by December 2024.  This timescale is ambitious, but Breckland are pushing on with further Regulation 18 consultation at present, with a view to moving to Regulation 19 (pre-submission) consultation by the middle of 2024.  Opportunities remain to promote sites in Breckland, but if the Council progress as planned, this window will be relatively short.

Meanwhile, progress on Great Yarmouth’s Local Plan Review has slipped with a first draft consultation now expected early next year and Adoption pushed back to late 2025. In King’s Lynn and West Norfolk, Hearing sessions are set to resume after a year’s hiatus.

Five Year Land Supply


Five-year land supply opportunities continue to remain relatively limited across Norfolk. Whilst the supply in Greater Norwich (Broadland, South Norfolk and Norwich) currently falls below 5 years, this is due to delays resulting from Nutrient Neutrality requirements. We understand that mitigation ‘credits’ for the Yare Catchment will be available to purchase before the end of the year, in which case it is likely that their supply position could increase relatively quickly.

In addition, North Norfolk’s housing land figure remains below 5 years, and as a consequence they are continuing to consider applications on sites allocated in the emerging Local Plan favourably. However, opportunities are constrained by the Nutrient Neutrality catchment.

For detail on emerging Local Plan position in Norfolk please click on the map below.


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