The recent Natural England guidance on “Nutrient Neutrality” is likely to affect development across much of Norfolk.
Whilst we wait for further advice and guidance on the likely implications, based on the experience of other parts of the country it seems highly likely that housing delivery in most, if not all, of the Local Authorities will be affected. In the longer term, this may present opportunities for development in those parts of the county not affected by the Nutrient issue.
Whilst the Greater Norwich Local Plan appeared to be making good progress with Examination taking place in February and March, the Inspectors have requested further work be undertaken by the Partnership in relation to Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs, and the delivery and viability of the East Norwich Strategic Regeneration Area. We wait to see whether the Nutrient issue has more far-reaching implications for the progress of this Plan; it seems very unlikely it will escape entirely unscathed.
Elsewhere in the county, Breckland are currently undertaking a Call for Sites exercise for a full range of land uses. This presents a real opportunity for promoting sites within the District.
Kings Lynn and West Norfolk have at long last submitted their Local Plan review for Examination, and Great Yarmouth are enjoying having an up to date Plan, now that the Part 2 Plan has passed its legal challenge period.
As with the Greater Norwich Local Plan, we wait to see whether the Nutrient issue has significant implications for the progress of North Norfolk’s new Local Plan, which they were hoping to submit for Examination later this year.
Five Year Land Supply
Five-year land supply opportunities remain limited across Norfolk at present, but if the Nutrient issue causes delays in delivery, we are likely to see opportunities opening up in those Districts most affected, particularly in the parts of those Districts that don’t fall within the relevant Catchments.
Notwithstanding North Norfolk District Council's published Housing Land supply figure, we believe they may in reality have a deficit, which could present opportunities.
For detail on emerging Local Plan position in Norfolk please click on the map below.