
Northamptonshire Local Plan Watch - Autumn 2020

23.9.20 2 MINUTE READ

Local Plan Watch Autumn 2020 Northants

The proposed standard method suggests the new unitary authorities will have to grapple with an increased housing need as they review their Part 1 plans. The next key consultation in the area should be on the spatial options for West Northants early in 2021. In the meantime, ongoing speculative applications and appeals in South and East Northamptonshire should clarify the land supply positions of the authorities.

Local Plan Watch Autumn 2020 Northants

Key highlights

  • Unitary merger to form ‘North Northamptonshire’ (East Northants, Corby Kettering and Wellingborough) and ‘West Northamptonshire’ (Daventry District, South Northamptonshire and Northampton Borough) from April 2021.
  • A meeting of the Joint Planning and Infrastructure Board in December is set consider approval of a Spatial Options consultation paper in the new year. A list of sites put forward through the earlier call for sites is expected to be published in the papers.
  • The housing land supply positions of South and East Northamptonshire both continue to be challenged by speculative applications.


Corby adopted the Local Plan Part 1 in July 2016 (North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy). A review of the North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy Review (Part 1) is anticipated. A Regulation 18 consultation is expected Summer 2021. This review is expected to coincide with the Unitary merger with Corby, Kettering and Wellingborough from April 2021.

Corby Borough Council submitted the Part 2 Local Plan for Examination on 19th December 2019. Examination Hearing Sessions are due to commence Tuesday 29th September through to the 7th October 2020.


Daventry District Council adopted the Local Plan Part 1 in December 2014 (West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy). A review of the West Northants Joint Core Strategy Review (Part 1) has commenced, with an Issues and call for strategic sites consultation closing October 2019.

Daventry District is to become part of a West Northamptonshire unitary authority following a merger with Northampton Borough and South Northamptonshire from April 2021.

The Daventry Local Plan Part 2 was adopted on 20th February 2020.

The review of the West Northamptonshire Local Plan Part 1 is already under way and therefore it would be possible for the transitional arrangements to be applied. The constituent authorities will all face significant housing requirement increases under proposals.

East Northants

East Northamptonshire adopted the Local Plan Part 1 in July 2016 (North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy). A review of the North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy Review (Part 1) is anticipated. A Regulation 18 consultation is expected Summer 2021. This review is expected to coincide with the Unitary merger with Corby, Kettering and Wellingborough from April 2021.

Following delays, a Regulation 18 consultation on potential site options is expected in October/November 2020 and Regulation 19 consultation on the emerging pre-submission Local Plan Part 2 is expected to be held January to February 2021.

Kettering Borough

Kettering Borough adopted the Local Plan Part 1 in July 2016 (North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy). A review of the North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy Review (Part 1) is anticipated. A Regulation 18 consultation is expected Summer 2021. This review is expected to coincide with the Unitary merger with Corby, Kettering and Wellingborough from April 2021.

The emerging Local Plan Part 2 was submitted for Examination on 28 May 2020. Examination in public is expected to commence in Autumn 2020.

Northampton Borough

Northampton Borough Council adopted the Local Plan Part 1 in December 2014 (West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy). A review of the West Northants Joint Core Strategy Review (Part 1) has commenced, with an Issues and call for strategic sites consultation closing October 2019.

Northampton Borough is to become part of a West Northamptonshire unitary authority following a merger with Daventry District and South Northamptonshire from April 2021.

The emerging Northampton Borough Local Plan Part 2 is in the late stages of preparation, with a second Regulation 19 consultation having closed in September 2020. Submission is planned for December 2020.

The review of the West Northamptonshire Local Plan Part 1 is already under way and therefore it would be possible for the transitional arrangements to be applied. The constituent authorities will all face significant housing requirement increases under proposals.

South Northamptonshire

South Northamptonshire District Council adopted the Local Plan Part 1 in December 2014 (West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy). A review of the West Northants Joint Core Strategy Review (Part 1) has commenced, with an Issues and call for strategic sites consultation closing October 2019.

South Northamptonshire District is to become part of a West Northamptonshire unitary authority following a merger with Daventry District and Northampton Borough from April 2021.

The South Northamptonshire Local Plan Part 2 was adopted on 22nd July 2020.

The review of the West Northamptonshire Local Plan Part 1 is already under way and therefore it would be possible for the transitional arrangements to be applied. The constituent authorities will all face significant housing requirement increases under proposals.


Wellingborough adopted the Local Plan Part 1 in July 2016 (North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy). A review of the North Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy Review (Part 1) is anticipated. A Regulation 18 consultation is expected Summer 2021. This review is expected to coincide with the Unitary merger with Corby, Kettering and Wellingborough from April 2021.

The Plan for the Borough of Wellingborough (Local Plan Part 2) was adopted 26th February 2019.

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