
Oxfordshire Local Plan Watch - Spring 2020

16.4.20 2 MINUTE READ

Local Plan Watch Spring 2020 Oxfordshire

Our Planning team constantly monitor the activities of local planning authorities in Oxfordshire to identify opportunities for clients. Our spring update provides an insight to latest local plans coming forward across the region.

Local Plan Watch Spring 2020 Oxfordshire

Things you need to know:

  1. Following correspondence from the Secretary of State, Robert Jenrick, and under the powers of section 27 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, SODC have until December 2020 to ensure their Local Plan is adopted. Throughout the process they are required to provide monthly updates to MHCLG. Examination Hearings will begin on 14th July 2020.
  2. In February 2020, Vale of White Horse District Council published the Local Development Scheme for their emerging Local Plan 2041. The Call for Sites took place between 3rd April-29th May 2020. Currently, adoption is anticipated for Summer 2023, although the implication of Covid-19 on the timeframe remain to be seen.
  3. Preparation of the Oxfordshire 2050 plan, covering all five districts, is continuing with staff working remotely on the evidence base, with steering and working groups of technical experts, and developing spatial scenarios and options for testing. An updated timetable should be expected soon.

Oxford City

Consultation responses sent to Inspectors and currently awaiting response. Adoption still hoped by middle of year but unclear until responses received. Planning Policy workflows not particularly affected by Covid-19.

Applications are still being registered and determined, where it is not necessary for a site visit. Planning meetings and committees have been suspended until alternative measures confirmed.

South Oxfordshire

Still accepting applications but delayed due to backlog caused by ‘teething’ issues around home working.

Decisions are also being delayed due to no site visits being undertaken – Govt guidance on this is due to come out soon, so this could change if green light given. Virtual committees are being considered.

Vale of White Horse

Planning Policy workflows not particularly affected by Covid-19.

Still accepting applications but delayed due to backlog caused by ‘teething’ issues around home working.

Decisions are also being delayed due to no site visits being undertaken – Govt guidance on this is due to come out soon, so this could change if green light given.

Virtual committees are being considered.

West Oxfordshire

WODC are currently preparing the Eynsham Garden Village Area Action Plan. Final (pre-submission) draft AAP consultation was hoped for March - April 2020, however various factors including Covid-19 have delayed this. Cabinet meeting is now hoped for June/July 2020, with formal consultation hoped for summer 2020. Adoption now hoped for early 2021.

Staff are working remotely and electronic applications and pre-application responses will continue to be processed. Can assess samples from photographs, manufacturers details and also hold video conferences.

Some applications are being determined without site visits, where practicable. In circumstances where the lack of a site visit is preventing a proper assessment, an extension of time will be sought to determine the application. If no such extension is agreed they are advised that such applications can be refused.

Considering virtual committees. Until agreed, those applications that can’t be determined by delegated powers will require extension of time.


Still awaiting response from Inspector re main mods. Expecting to hear by mid-May. Planning Policy workflows not particularly affected by Covid-19.

Continuing to register and validate applications via officers’ home working.

Meetings and committees suspended. Officers are working to address the technological and logistical issues of running virtual meetings.

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