The Norfolk Nutrient Budget Calculator and updated Catchment Maps: One step closer to a solution?
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29.11.22 2 MINUTE READ
Following the Government’s announcement in July 2022, Natural England have released information relating to their nationwide Nutrient Mitigation Scheme. The Scheme will sit alongside the catalogue of mitigation measures being brought forward by Councils and private developers and in Natural England’s words will “help fill the gaps and make finding solutions quicker and simpler”.
Details of Natural England’s approach to mitigation is provided in their recent blog here.
From an initial review, the key takeaway messages are:
This appears to be progress in addressing Nutrient Neutrality and enabling development in affected areas to move forward. We await with anticipation the launch of Natural England’s Scheme. However, as ever, a number of big questions still remain, such as how applications/applicants are prioritised where there demand for credits exceeds supply, and how long it will take for mitigation to become operational.
Lizzy Keech
Associate, Planning
Iain Hill
Partner, Planning
The Norfolk Councils have published their long-awaited Norfolk Nutrient Budget Calculator, alongside revised maps of the relevant Catchments, devised by Royal Haskoning DHV.
The Norfolk Nutrient Budget Calculator and updated Catchment Maps: One step closer to a solution?
Six months since Natural England increased the list of habitat sites to include the Broads and the River Wensum, Amy Robinson, Senior Planner, reflects on the progress that has been made in identifying suitable mitigation strategies and allowing development for overnight accommodation to progress within the Nutrient Neutrality catchment areas.
What’s next for Nutrient Neutrality in Norfolk?
On 16 March 2022, Natural England increased the list of habitat sites that are considered to be in an unfavourable condition due to excessive nutrient levels. The extended list includes both the River Wensum and large parts of the Broads, and the ‘National Map of Catchments’, provided by Natural England, suggests that a significant area of Norfolk will be affected by the change.
Norfolk’s Nutrient Problem
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