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Having cultivated a strong rapport with local councils, Ben is up to date with politics and recent legislation. He utilises his experience across a variety of sectors to adapt his skills to clients’ needs and expectations.
Ben takes the time to understand your vision for your project – he works proactively on his client’s pre-application enquiries and planning applications, keeping to time and budget restrictions.
With Redrow, he worked collaboratively with the client to improve their existing planning application to achieve a timely permission. Liaising with stakeholders was a vital element of his role within the project.
I recently purchased my son a play mat for his newly acquired toy cars. As a planner, it immediately struck me that the mat showed a car-dominated environment with little room for pedestrians, cyclists and other non-motorised users. It was perfect for his fleet of cars, but it got me thinking…
Should we redefine the objectives of sustainable development following COP26 and COVID-19?
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