Although now specialising in woodland creation, Hazel has a background in forest management and regulatory requirements.

She’s not only worked within the forestry industry for over 20 years but was brought up in a forestry contracting family, which has provided her with a sound understanding of the opportunities and challenges which the industry, as a whole, provides.

Hazel believes that woodland creation is an exciting combination of art and science with a myriad of opportunities to think outside of the box whilst working with nature and ensuring that best silvicultural practices are upheld.

Projects she has been involved with to date include working extensively with stakeholders to ensure that opportunities are fully developed and explored, whilst constraints are appropriately mitigated. 

The regulatory experience she acquired whilst working with Scottish Forestry, to approve over 4000 hectares of new woodlands within the Perth and Argyll Conservancy area, drives Hazel to take great care in meeting due diligence obligations and ensuring that woodland designs meet with applicable governing requirements.

Hazel is a member of the Institute of Chartered Foresters.




Property solutions in high-tech clusters, city centres and rural estates


Unlocking the value of your woodland assets

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