Roland oversees rural investment property worth £1bn for the UK’s oldest landowners. He’s also helping shape the country’s newest and most sustainable investment markets.

By approaching problems with the analytical and intellectual rigour of an academic, Roland offers far more than formulaic land and property investment advice. Nine Oxbridge colleges, The Wellcome Trust, and several landed families deeply trust his objective and rational view of the rural investment market.

Roland leads the provision of management services and strategic advice for his client’s complex portfolios in the UK’s fast-changing rural investment market. He delivers acquisitions and disposals, manages lease arrangements and leads development activity, providing professional support in some of the UK’s most interesting and highly sustainable markets.

These green infrastructure and natural capital markets will form a significant part of the UK’s future green economy, but this ecology graduate is already a veteran in the space having delivered net gain in biodiversity during development for more than a decade across projects worth £15bn.

His understanding of ecological objectives, the economics of land management, policy and regulatory issues, and practical delivery is helping shape these transformative new markets through the innovative schemes and investment opportunities he delivers.

By applying the financial rigour he’s renowned for to green infrastructure markets and opportunities - forensically analysing risk, returns and liabilities - Roland is helping his clients seize some world-changing and rewarding opportunities.

Roland is MRICS accredited.



Rural Investment

Build a robust rural portfolio with our decades of land expertise

Energy & Climate

Convert climate goals to competitive advantage

Biodiversity Net Gain

Deliver BNG in strategic habitat banks that are designed to maximise environmental outcomes

Natural Capital

Investing sustainably doesn't mean sacrificing returns. Understand nature's economic value with expert guidance.

Our insights

Image of shutterstock_151149641 Report 2024

Making more efficient use of Britain’s most finite resource—land—is our best chance to enhance the country’s sluggish productivity. It’s as simple as that.

We must land on a strategy for our most precious resource

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Image of field sunset Events 17.10.24

Professionals’ Rural Breakfast Seminar on Thursday 17th October 2024 when we will be discussing topical issues affecting farmers, estate owners and professionals in Oxfordshire and further afield.

Rural Professionals Breakfast Seminar - Oxford

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Image of Productivity Brain Landscape Report 2024

In Bidwells’ latest groundbreaking report, The Productivity Engine, we uncover the fundamental role that space plays in understanding - and solving - the UK’s productivity problems.

The Productivity Engine

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Sale - Rural Outlook 24pp brochure 2021 Blog 20.12.21

With farmers and investors’ interests aligning after Brexit and Covid, Bidwells’ Head of Rural Investment, Roland Bull, explains why raising capital from a sale and leaseback on your farm or estate might work for you in 2022.

Why sale and leaseback is making a comeback in farming

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Crystal Rig sun. 1JPG Events 23.11.22

Investment is being viewed through a new environmental lens. Funds seeking sustainable ventures are channelling capital into land-based assets to deliver tangible natural capital and renewables projects.

Natural Capital & Renewable Energy Investment Conference

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Image of Rural Investment Reports & Briefings 04.03.24

The Rural sector faces challenges on a number of fronts…but despite the challenges ahead, rural investors can look to emerging opportunities.

Rural Property Index 2024

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Rich Stockdale DSC_2853.JPG Events 23.11.22

Natural resources are the most important input to the global economy. There is huge potential of investing in natural capital assets – with both environmental and financial rewards.

The potential of Natural Capital Markets: a credible opportunity?

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Lord Debn DSC_2819.JPG Events 23.11.22

Lord Deben, Chairman of the UK's Independent Committee on Climate Change, opens the conference with an impactful speech.

Opening keynote | Making Sustainability Profitable

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Braxted Park Estate

Our client wished to better connect habitats across their estate, enhancing the nature network and in turn significantly increasing the diversity of species.

Clark, D - Braxted Park BNG (14) crop

Lower Valley Farm, Cambridge

Delivering significant environmental outcomes at landscape scale while enabling local developers to secure biodiversity units ‘off-the-shelf’

Lower Valley Farm

Trumpington Meadows

When the Wildlife Trust sought to take on Cambridge’s largest country park, its challenge was securing an agreement that worked financially whilst also delivering great environmental outcomes. Our rare 360-degree view of ecology objectives and land deal structures helped them achieve both.

Trumpington Meadows 13

Thaxted, Essex

Delivering a 10% net gain in biodiversity during development will soon become law in England. However, a decade ago few developers were cost-effectively mitigating biodiversity loss and measuring the results. This project was one of the first to successfully secure a consent using biodiversity offsetting.


Wellcome Trust

To ensure exposure to agricultural and rural investment as part of a wider £30bn+ global endowment, we provide strategic oversight and administration with a high-level of delegated authority, and proactively identify and deliver value.


Wellcome Trust - Farmcare

Wellcome has held agricultural investments in the UK since 1997 with Bidwells as their primary advisor. They wanted to grow their endowment but with no clear allocation to heighten their exposure to agriculture, Bidwells was ready to act when the Farmcare portfolio became available for acquisition.

Fordham_Wet_Woods_And_Great_Wilbraham_210421 45

Christ's College, Cambridge

The primary goal for the College is to generate strong total returns, from a combination of income and capital gains. This has been achieved through our stewardship approach, working in partnership with the College to create the vision for the property portfolio and delivering all aspects of endowment management.

Christ's College, Cambridge

Gonville & Caius

Listening to Gonville & Caius’s requirements, adding our expertise and developing an asset strategy - one which maximises income needed for the day to day running of this Cambridge college. Simply put, this has been our recipe for a long relationship which has delivered for over three decades.

Gonville and Caius College

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