Childrens Hospital.emf

Cambridge Children's Hospital

35,000 sq m (Floor Area)
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

This new world-class hospital will bring physical and mental healthcare together under one roof, with dual-trained staff working in unison for an innovative, holistic approach to children’s treatment.

When Cambridge Biomedical Campus achieved planning permission for a 215,000 sq m expansion, a proportion of the floorspace was dedicated for clinical use. After securing £100m in funding, a new children’s hospital is being developed on the site alongside Addenbrooke’s, the Rosie Hospital and Royal Papworth.

A fundraising campaign, with promotional video narrated by Stephen Fry, was launched to help raise another £100m to deliver this world-class facility inspired by children.

The process was collaborative with the planning authority to purposefully exceed several policy minimums and embrace the emerging planning priorities around climate, health and wellbeing, ecology and great places. Alongside this, a thorough engagement programme was carried out including important contributions from the children and their families.

The design seeks to push the sustainability agenda forward and is set to be one of the most sustainable hospitals in Europe. It embraces health and wellbeing by setting the building in a landscape surround and includes open space and extensive foyer and play area to the ground floor. There is access to open spaces at all levels of the building, utilising access to atriums and upper terraces. Patients, visitors and staff will have access to a variety of spaces from the ground floor to the rooftop.


Childrens Hospital 2.emf

A Reserved Matters Consent delivered at pace to achieve submission prior to the expiry of the Outline Consent and to keep to a funding programme.

Get in touch with our team


Guy Kaddish

Partner, Planning

Guy is head of one of the largest planning teams in Cambridge, and planning representative in our science and technology leaders group.

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