Rocheway 2

College Gardens, Rocheway

Essex Housing, Essex County Council
Started 2020

We assisted Essex Housing, Essex County Council, secure planning permission for the redevelopment of this former adult community learning centre for a mix of new family homes and specialist Independent Living accommodation for over 55s.

Bidwells provided strategic planning advice to the client and project team throughout the design phase up to the determination of the scheme at planning committee, leading to a unanimous grant of permission. The scheme is of exemplary design quality, maximising the potential of this previously developed site in the Green Belt, whilst successfully accommodating the functional and access requirements of a local youth football team which uses the playing fields adjacent to the development site.

Our involvement in the scheme brought vital clarity to the local authority’s interpretation of the use class applicable to the extra care scheme, which ensured that this new model of Independent Living was not burdened with unnecessary planning obligations, thereby preserving scheme viability.

We guided the design team to the delivery of a residential development that maximised the density of development within acceptable policy parameters, to ensure the delivery of an optimum density of development for this highly sustainable location.

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The benefits of the new Independent Living model of extra care housing can now be experienced in a new location within the county of Essex. Additionally, the grant of consent for this development ensures maximum benefit is passed to the county’s residents and the public purse.

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Steven Butler

Partner, Planning

A personable and dependable chartered town planner who prides himself on his local knowledge, attention to detail and relationships based on trust.

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