Hurlingham_As Proposed_Street View_high res

Hurlingham Road, Fulham

WSS London
60,500 sq ft
Fulham, London

Following a refusal by the local authority for the client’s scheme, Bidwells was instructed to carry out an appeal in a bid to overturn the original decision.

The client had originally wanted to demolish the existing building whilst maintaining the façade of much of the locally listed building, situated within a conservation area, and create a two to five storey building to be used as an office and flexible retail café. The original scheme was refused as the council deemed it harmful to the local area. 

We were instructed to appeal the initial refusal and using our professional judgement and best practice – following Heritage England’s guidance documents - we demonstrated that the proposals were sensitive to their location, contrary to the views of the local council.

The scheme will increase the vibrancy in this heavily populated, residential area.

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The planning inspector for the appeal agreed with our assessment and subsequently granted consent for the original scheme.

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