Bridge Farm, Ramsey Forty Foot, Ramsey, PE26 2YA


Guide Price £375,000

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A former farmyard with planning consent for five dwellings. The property is situated adjacent to the village of Ramsey Forty Foot which is equidistant from Huntingdon and Peterborough.

0.89 acre (0.361 hectare)

The buildings at Bridge Farm comprise three former farm buildings with planning consent for five dwellings:

Plot 1: 3 bedrooms - 2,453.87 sq ft

Plot 2: 3 bedrooms - 2,534.49 sq ft

Plot 3a: 2 bedrooms - 1,062.95 sq ft

Plot 3b: 2 bedrooms - 1,061.01 sq ft

Plot 3c: 3 bedrooms - 1,062.19 sq ft

PE26 2YA is a nearby residential postcode

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Train Stations
  • Whittlesey 8.98km
  • March 14.88km
  • Peterborough 16.34km
  • Peterborough 16.4km

Property Advisor

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Becky Westerhuis

Associate, Rural

Becky is enthusiastic about selling properties and loves interacting with people every day.

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For Sale

Bridge Farm, Ramsey Forty Foot, Ramsey, PE26 2YA , £375,000

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