Biodiversity units for sale

Southill Estate, Biggleswade, SG19 9HL

  • Image of IMG_2485
  • Image of IMG_2489
  • Image of IMG_2496
  • Image of IMG_2503

Landscape scale biodiversity net gain scheme initiative generating over 500 biodiversity units.

Located 0.6 km from Southill Lake and Woods SSSI, this site will act as a stepping-stone link to habitats of high ecological value. 

Phased BNG delivery will form part of an Estate wide environmental initiative collaborating with various stakeholders to improve biodiversity over 1,300 ha. 

The biodiversity baseline has been completed, with the Habitat Management and Monitoring Plan in development. 

Developers can secure biodiversity units for the following habitat types:

  • Grassland habitats of medium distinctiveness
  • Heathland and shrub habitats of medium distinctiveness
  • Lake habitats of medium distinctiveness
  • Individual trees of medium distinctiveness


Local Planning Authorities
Central Bedfordshire
National Character Areas
Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire Claylands
Bedfordshire Greensand Ridge

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