Biodiversity Net Gain

Image of Biodiversity Net Gain

Deliver BNG in strategic habitat banks that are designed to maximise environmental outcomes.

Developers face increasing pressure to balance growth with sustainability. Securing planning consent hinges on credible biodiversity plans yet achieving net gain on site is often impractical. Our expertise lies in identifying suitable offsite locations and structuring robust agreements to deliver long-term habitat creation and enhancement.

Through meticulous market analysis and an extensive landowner network, we identify suitable sites for habitat creation or enhancement. Our vast experience streamlines complex requirements, alleviating risks while delivering enduring environmental benefits.


Energy & Renewables

Powering the zero-carbon transition for landowners and developers


Grid & Infrastructure

Straightforward solutions during complex infrastructure projects


Natural Capital

Investing sustainably doesn't mean sacrificing returns. Understand nature's economic value with expert guidance.


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Image of Wild flower meadow pink sky Reports & Briefings 06.03.24

Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is the mechanism by which new housing, commercial and infrastructure developments in England will become ‘nature positive’.

Rural Outlook 2024 - Biodiversity Net Gain: An Opportunity for Nature

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Trumpington meadows.JPG Blog 11.08.21

South Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridge City Council are currently consulting on a new supplementary planning document.

Biodiversity netting gains in Greater Cambridge

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Fordham_Wet_Woods_And_Great_Wilbraham_210421 8 Insights 10.11.21

The Environment Act 2021 has received Royal Assent at a pivotal time while COP26 is coming to its conclusion. The huge public and parliamentary demand to improve our state of nature has resulted in the UK becoming the first country to set a legal target to halt species decline by 2030.

The Environment Act Becomes Law

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Image of shutterstock_187076138 Insights 02.03.22

If 2021 was a crucial year for our global response to climate breakdown, then maybe 2022 can be the biodiversity equivalent?

Biodiversity’s Big Year?

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It's in the numbers


biodiversity units transacted to date


habitat banks across England where we have facilitated their establishment

BNG Services for Developers:

BNG Services for Landowners, Institutions & Investors:

Meet our trusted experts


Roland Bull

Partner, Head of Rural Investment

Roland oversees rural investment property worth £1bn for the UK’s oldest landowners. He’s also helping shape the country’s newest and most sustainable investment markets.

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Lisa Bulmer

Associate, Natural Capital

Outgoing and goal orientated, Lisa thrives on bringing about impactful change through natural capital and sustainable investment work.

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Naomi Charles

Naomi Charles

Associate, Rural

Naomi provides estate management advice and supports a portfolio of approximately 9,000 hectares.

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Explore the opportunity to allow my land to be used to offset biodiversity

Lower Valley Farm, Cambridge

Delivering significant environmental outcomes at landscape scale while enabling local developers to secure biodiversity units ‘off-the-shelf’

Lower Valley Farm

Biodiversity, Nature Reserve and Farm Opportunity Analysis

Our client's vision is to create bigger, wilder, more connected landscapes across three counties in the UK. To achieve its goals, we offered our expertise and support in land search and acquisition, and strategic site selection.

Berks Bucks Oxon Wildlife

Dorn and Glyme Valley Environmental Master Plan

Aiming to establish a biodiversity net gain scheme and identify opportunities to improve sustainable agricultural practices within the northern part of the Estate, as well as proposing opportunities to incorporate education services to benefit the local community.

Image of Dorn and Glyme Valley

Fordie Natural Capital

Investment house Foresight Group asked us to acquire a Scottish estate, which they could manage as a planet positive enterprise. By harnessing the potential of emerging ecosystem markets, we outlined how the estate could pioneer new business models to finance nature recovery at scale.

2. View South (2).JPG

Trumpington Meadows

When the Wildlife Trust sought to take on Cambridge’s largest country park, its challenge was securing an agreement that worked financially whilst also delivering great environmental outcomes. Our rare 360-degree view of ecology objectives and land deal structures helped them achieve both.

Trumpington Meadows 13

Thaxted, Essex

Delivering a 10% net gain in biodiversity during development will soon become law in England. However, a decade ago few developers were cost-effectively mitigating biodiversity loss and measuring the results. This project was one of the first to successfully secure a consent using biodiversity offsetting.


Biodiversity Units For Sale

Lower Valley Farm

Providing >1,000 biodiversity units* through an innovative landscape scale initiative for local developers to secure their offsite biodiversity gain requirements.

Find out more
Image of LVF

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